Gilinsky Yakov Ilych


Gilinsky Yakov Ilyich, born June 16, 1934 in Leningrad.

He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University in 1957. He defended his Ph.D. thesis (“Execution of a sentence as a stage of the Soviet criminal process”) on criminal proceedings in 1967, and in 1986 his doctoral dissertation (“Sociological study of crime and other antisocial manifestations (issues theories and methods)”) in criminology. Professor (since 1995).

Author of over 700 scientific publications, incl. over 150 in English, Hungarian, Italian, German, Norwegian, French, Ukrainian, Japanese and other languages.

Member of the International Sociological Association (ISA), the European Society of Criminology (ESC), the International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation – IPPF, the International Association of Deviantology, the Lithuanian Criminological Association.


Text about Research Interests and Key references.


Text about Undergraduate Teaching, Postgraduate Teaching


  1. Гилинский, Я. И. Криминология и девиантология постмодерна / Я. И. Гилинский. – СПб.: Алетейя, 2024. – 242 с.
  2. Гилинский, Я. И. Человеческое, слишком человеческое. / Я. И. Гилинский. – СПб.: Алетейя. – 198 с.
  3. Gilinskiy, Ya. Il. (2022). Postmodern deviantology. Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior, 2(1), 10-16. doi: 10.35750/2713-0622-2022-1-10-16.
  4. Gilinsky Y.I. Postmodern Criminology about Crime and Punishment (№ 4 2022)
  5. Gilinskiy Ya.I. Crime: what is it? Who is guilty? What to do? // Bulletin of the Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 2019. V.10, N 1. P. 6-13. DOI: 10.24420/KUI.2019.39.71.001
  6. Gilinsky Ya. I. Modern criminology on crime and its counteraction // Criminalist. 2022;1(38):3-7. (In Russ.).
  7. Gilinsky Ya. I. Digital world and law // The rule-of-law state theory and practice 04.2022; 16(4-1):22-30 (In Russ.).
  8. Gilinskij YA. I. «Elektronnye vesy pravosudiya» – vymysel ili real’nost’? [«Electronic scales of justice» – fiction or reality?]. Kriminologiya: vchera, segodnya, zavtra – Criminology: yesterday, today, tomorrow, 2019, no. 1, pp. 18–20. (In Russ.).
  9. Gilinsky Y. I. Crimes against public health and public morality: a view of criminologist / / Criminalist. 2021. № 2 (35). P. 18—22
  10. Gilinsky Ya.I. Deviance in the digital world // Problems of the activities of scientists and research teams. 2018. № 4(34). P. 182-190.
  11. Криминология: теория, история, эмпирическая база, социальный контроль. Авторский курс. 4-е изд., перераб и доп. — СПб.: ООО Издательский Дом «Алеф-Пресс», 2018. — 517 с.